Workshops for 2015

Healing PassagesTM

If you are interested in taking a class or workshop with Roman or Susana,
you are welcomed  Interest in Transforming Times (TM) to register, contact us or receive our emails.

Healing Passages copyright 2011 Roman Oleh Yaworsky

Healing Passages TM
The Energetic Basis of Pivotal Moments in our Lives, Relationships and Careers

June 27 & 28, 2015

A Two Day Workshop with Roman Oleh Yaworsky

This workshop, through SpiritUnleashed, provider #50-12290,
has been approved for 14 CEUs for CSW, MFT, HC and LMTs
as well as Licensed Midwives. and Psychologists (with board review)


This workshop will reveal to you not only the timing of the pivotal moments in your life,

but the understanding of the gifts, lessons and opportunities that these moments bring.


We all experience pivotal moments in our lives. We have common words for some of these times: the ‘mid-life crisis’, the ‘seven-year itch’ or the ‘terrible twos’. More often than not, we experience these times as crisis, obstacles or challenges, without realizing their value or the gifts we are being offered.

In Healing PassagesTM, you will learn to recognize not only the timing of the transforming events in people’s lives, but an understanding of the lesson and the opportunity to move forward that each of these moments bring. This workshop will show you how to turn these times to your advantage and pass through them with greater ease and mastery.

Free Yourself of the confusion that masks the gifts of these important times of your life


Often as people pass through these patterns, the tendency is to blame others for what they are going through or to react in a way that is not constructive or that may be damaging. Knowing the pattern can help free you from that tendency and to allow you to see the pattern for what it is and what you can do about it.

In this workshop, participants will learn practical tools and choices that will help turn those times towards more positive outcomes. Several modalities that support positive change will be introduced and practiced during the class.



•  Learn about the major patterns in your life, how they effect you and their core meaning in your life

•  Find out which patterns affect your career, relationships, children and friendships.

•  Learn the keys to understanding and taking full advantage of the important times in your life.

•  Printed course materials will be provided


You will have the opportunity to:

•  Learn invaluable insights that you can apply for the rest of your life.
•  Have your specific questions and concerns answered by a professional counseling astrologer.

Transforming TimesFor more information and registration: Towards more infromation about Transforming


All Text and graphics are Copyright  © 2011, 2015 by Roman Oleh Yaworsky.   All rights reserved.   Any unauthorized use by whatever means is prohibited.
















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Course Listings can be found at

